What Is the Basic Challenge When Trying to Cure Diabetes Type 1?

Diabetes Type 1 is characterized by inability of the pancreases to produce enough insulin to help control the levels of blood sugar. The pancreas cells known as the beta cells responsible for the production of insulin are destroyed and only less beta cells are left to try to perform the work meant for the entire pancreas. The condition occurs when the immune system of the individual misguidedly attacks and destroys certain beta cells in the pancreas.

The result is an excess level of sugar in the bloodstream. There is no established method to cure diabetes type 1. Patients of this type of diabetes are usually administered with insulin often in the form of injections as a way to reverse diabetes. The condition is not common. Research establishes that this type 1 of the disease accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of the cases of diabetics. The remaining 90 percent is diabetes type 2.

Diabetes type 1 is often related to some problem with genetic make-up of the patient and is most common among infants and people below 30 years of age.

Understanding the Beta Cells

Beta cells normally exist in small clusters along with other cells types in the pancreas referred to as islets. It is the beta cells that normally secrete hormone insulin. Insulin is responsible for conversion of glucose into fats for storage or energy for use in the body. As such these chemical messengers ensure glucose from food sources is moved into the various body cells which use the glucose as fuel to provide life.

When sometimes the body mistakenly destroys these beta cells, no insulin will be produced by the dead beta cells. Glucose will have no mechanism to encourage its conversion into fats of use by other body tissues. The result is the sugar staying in the blood instead.

These high levels of blood sugar cause serious damage to the rest of the body organs as the body cells are starved of their normal energy source. This brings us to the first challenge of living as a type 1 diabetic- you must routinely get a shot insulin as a way to reverse diabetes and help you stay alive.

Diet or Exercise not Good Enough to Cure Diabetes Type 1

Learn how to cure diabetes now!

For a type 1 diabetic, exercise alone cannot reverse diabetes for you. To cure diabetes type 1, two vital aspects of the disease have to be corrected. The misguided immune system needs to be warded off from attacking the pancreatic cells, and the body's ability to produce its own insulin needs to be restored.

A number of methods could help restore the body's insulin producing cells. The process could involve making them from the remaining healthy cells inside the pancreas, or making them artificially in a laboratory. Alternatively they could be obtained from other animals then put into the body, a process referred to as replacement. However, the best method to cure diabetes is available here.